IMPORTANT: Please read this agreement before filling out the application form. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of your relationship with Quality Shopper.
- As a mystery shopper you are conducting an evaluation on behalf of the client and Quality Shopper. All information supplied/collected by the shopper must be kept in the strictest confidence and treated with the highest degree of professionalism.
- At no time is the mystery shopper to misrepresent themselves or encourage dishonesty or deliberately irritate a target employee or be a deliberately difficult shopper.
- If a target employee asks if you are a mystery shopper you are to plead ignorance and say “a mystery what?”
- The mystery shopper is an independent contractor at all times and is not a representative of Quality Shopper or an employee or an agent. Quality Shopper is not responsible for payment of income tax or other taxes, pensions, or insurance contributions of mystery shoppers and bears no responsibilities for accidents or losses of any sort occurring while the shopper is conducting an assignment.
- You are under no obligation to accept assignments offered and Quality Shopper is under no obligation to provide you with any assignments. Acceptance of assignments creates an implied contract between Quality Shopper and you as an independent contractor.
- In the event you are unable to perform an accepted assignment, you agree to notify Quality Shopper promptly by phone or email so that the assignment can be allocated to another shopper.
- The amount of compensation for each shopping assignment is specified clearly during the scheduling process and on the confirmation material. The compensation/reimbursement package varies with each assignment.
- Should the mystery shop involve the purchase of a product or service, you will be reimbursed up to the purchase amount stated on the assignment. An applicable receipt must be provided.
- You are not to duplicate or disseminate any of Quality Shopper’s materials, or copy any part thereof in any way or form, without prior written consent of Quality Shopper.
- You agree not to accept an assignment where you have any bias or conflicts of interest. This includes assignments involving clients for whom the mystery shopper has family members or friends operating as employees, competitors, suppliers, or major customers.
- If your work is deemed to be unacceptable you will not be paid for the assignment. By accepting the job you undertake to complete the role within the specified time in a professional manner. Please ensure you have the correct store. You will not be paid if you make an error and mystery shop the wrong location.
NB We schedule assignments with mystery shoppers who submit timely, accurate, well-written reports more often than those who provide us with only average feedback. The more detailed information and comments we receive from your evaluations the more assignments we will offer to you. Quality Shopper reserves the right to terminate our relationship with any mystery shopper who provides substandard work, conducts assignments in an unprofessional manner, or is not punctual in performing assignments and returning completed reports.