With Quality Shopper you can measure, monitor, analyse and improve the shopping experience your customers receive. Learn More about Mystery Shopping

Welcome to Quality Shopper

Ordinary is everywhere – let Quality Shopper help you to create an environment and culture that people will talk about.

We specialise in gathering business information through the use of our extensive network of trained Mystery Shoppers and industry leading reporting technology (see client services).  We collect and analyse your customers’ experiences and opinions, with the goal of improving the customer experience, boosting sales and maximising profits.

Quality Shopper operates in a diverse range of business sectors:

  • Retail
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Entertainment
  • Online retailers
  • Financial Institutions
  • Travel…and more…

Our reporting is designed to be clear, concise and timely, giving you the information you need to make strategic business decisions about the future direction of your brand.

Key benefits of Mystery Shopping:

  • Increase profits
  • Build customer loyalty
  • Improve customer service
  • Upskill and assess employees
  • Reinforce sales training
  • Employee performance reviews

So much of what we do is about empowering staff to make a difference to the person who matters the most – your customer.

We need to start thinking of each customer, not in terms of the value of a single transaction, but in terms of the value of the customer’s business over a lifetime.  In order to do this we need to Measure, Monitor, Analyse and Improve.

To find out more about how we can help you to build your brand and profitability, click on contact us.